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    by Dr. Andrew Corbett



"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this present age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Eph. 6:12
(For an historical background to the teaching of Spiritual Warfare, click here)


Most teaching on spiritual warfare includes teaching on spiritual weapons available to the believer. Care must be taken not to interpret the paper as teaching that the believer has no spiritually offensive role to conduct. Before examining a more Biblical approach to achieving advances for the present kingdom of God, we will overview a stream of teaching that prescribes dualistic encounters.



a) The Name-

Scriptures such as Philippians 2:9-11 are used to support this. Examining this passage will reveal a statement of eschatological and theological fact, rather than a means of warfare. Indeed, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess at the Name of Jesus that He is LORD! Of the six times the expression in the Name of Jesus is used in the entire New Testament, all occurrences happen during the narration of the Book of Acts. Of these occasions, only once did it involve a confrontation with a demonic spirit (Acts 16:18) and it was a direct one at that (that is, the demonic spirit was immediately present; demons are not omnipresent)!

All of the other incidents related to the conduct of the apostles- their ministry of healing and teaching. When Paul cast the demon out of the Macedonian girl, he exercised the Spirit's authority upon him based on the words of Christ in Mark 16:17 (which says believers will cast demons out in the name of Christ). Obviously Philippi was a place familiar with demonic activity. There could have been all sorts of spirits presiding in that city. Yet from what we know of Paul's epistle to them some many years later, they became one of the more successful churches he planted. How did Paul and the church there break the supposed local demonic strongholds? After the incident with the slave girl and python spirit, Paul and Silas were thrown into jail. An attack of the enemy! What was Paul and Silas’ plan of warfare?

"But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. . ."
Acts 16:25

This was their warfare. They worshiped God! They didn’t even look at what the enemy was doing! What was the enemy’s real objective in jailing Paul and Silas? I believe the answer to this is so simple, yet the heart of what the Bible alludes to as our warfare- that the Devil wants our attention, but only God deserves it!

This is why we are not to be sidetracked off into speaking to the Devil, demons or others evil spirits. They are merely decoys trying to divert our attention away from Jesus. What does the cross of Christ mean to the militant Christian? It initially resounds of death to our old nature (Gal. 2:20; Rom. 12:1-3, two of the most powerful Scriptures on warfare). Then it drives us with the love of Christ to seek out the lost with the saving message of the gospel. If the enemy can divert our eyes off the cross so that our focus is on him (even for a moment), then he's winning the war/battle. Whenever Paul came under satanic/demonic attack, he always appealed immediately to God (eg. 2 Cor. 12:8). It was later to the Philippian church that Paul wrote about the name of Jesus. Therefore, because of the incident with the python-spirit controlled girl, and his epistle, I can not see that Paul was simply ignorant of any spiritual weapons that he had.



* Paul cast a demon out of a girl by using the name of Jesus, as Christ said all believers would do, after: (i) There was an immediate demonic manifestation. (ii) He was moved in spirit to do so. He was motivated by the Word and Spirit- he didn't presume what he was doing was what God wanted him to do.

* The demon immediately left the girl without argument or battle at the Name of Jesus. The battle is not ours, but the Lord's (2Chron. 20:15). Can any demon defy the LORD? When God commands a spirit to go, it’s done. There is no yelling, fretting or fuss when God does it and so uses His servant as His mouthpiece.

* Paul and Silas were in enemy territory and as such were demonically attacked by being thrown into jail. They responded by worshiping God with singing and by praying aloud. Their appeal was to God, not against the devil or even to the devil.

* Paul was not ignorant of the power of the name of Jesus as is demonstrated by his actions and epistles. No where did he use it in a sense of speaking against territorial demonic spirits.

b) The Blood-

"And they overcame him (the Devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death"
(Rev. 12:11).

How did they overcome the devil? By (i) the blood of the Lamb and (ii) the word of their testimony. Modern, well meaning teaching says that we are to plead the Blood against the devil, and share our testimony with the lost, as a two pronged attack against the devil. The result is said to be victory from attack.

Yet examine the whole verse. The ones who overcame the devil, did so by laying down their lives- firstly on the altar of God, and secondly, into the grave. This runs contrary to the modern idea of success defined as freedom from pain or discomfort.

These martyrs overcame the devil simply by keeping their lives as a good testimony even to the point of martyrdom. Their testimony was the proclaiming of Jesus. As one recent translation puts it-


"And our brothers and sisters defeated him by the blood of the Lamb's death and by the message they preached. They did not love their lives so much that they were afraid of death"
New Century Version

They didn't walk in their own righteousness, but Christ’s- they were washed in His blood! They were in blood covenant with God. In the religious flesh, we tend to look for instant, easy, comfortable results. However, the greatest Book of spiritual warfare is Revelation which defines victory in terms other than merely temporal gains. This Book clearly details the spiritual battles which have/are/will take place.

Its precise word to those involved in the frontline of conflict on earth?- Jesus Christ is Lord! He has won the Victor’s crown. He is interceding constantly for His covenant Bride. How does He want us, His Church, to help Him in His battle against the foes of darkness? By walking in the righteousness of Christ (being washed in His Blood) and keeping a good testimony in a corrupt world. This is victory over the devil- even if it means dying for it! To plead the blood over cars, houses, possessions or cities is to display ignorance about why the Blood of Christ was shed. It was shed to redeem our lives. Christ died for us, not for our cars, houses, or possessions.

c) The Word-

Scripture passages such as Matthew 4, where Christ and Satan exchanged words are used to cite the legitimatizing of quoting Scripture at the Devil. Just why Christ chose the Scriptures He used in the first place should be enough for us to understand that Christians have no place speaking at or to the Devil, in the sense of being some kind of "demi-gods". When He acknowledged that man lives by every Word from God, He was living that Scripture out. When He acknowledged that man must only worship and render total obedience to God, He was doing just that.

Firstly, the Scripture has revealed only One Person authorised to speak to the Devil- Yahweh (Gen. 3- the incident in the Garden of Eden; Job 1 , 2- Satan accuses Job; 1Kings 22:19-23; Matt. 4- Christ being tempted by the Devil). Not even angels, who presumably battle in some form with fallen angels (although I strongly doubt that its the type of combat we’re familiar with, ie. not face-to-face or hand-to-hand), are authorised to speak to demons (Jude 9; 2Pt. 2:11). Therefore, Christ was fulfilling His divine right in addressing Satan- in the same way that it was His Divine right to receive worship from men. Not even Job spoke at or to the Devil, although Satan was the cause of his troubles.

The Word is indeed described as a sword. In Ephesians six it is the sword that advances the Gospel of Christ amidst spiritual opposition. In Hebrew 4:12 it is the sword that cuts like a surgeons knife into our inner most motives and lays our hearts bear before God for to Him we must explain the way we have lived (NCV). In Isaiah 49:2, it is the sword of the anointed preaching of the prophet as he speaks God’s Word. In Revelation 1:16; 2:16; and 19:15, it is the words of the glorified Christ. Nowhere is the Bible described as a sword to be used for slaying demonic spirits in face-to-face combat!

Paul laments in Romans 7 that knowing the Word of God intensified his battle (war) with his flesh. He saw the Word as a Sword that revealed his inner corruption. Simply quoting Scriptures at our flesh is not enough to make our flesh obey. As powerful as the Word of God is to change lives, we must guard against the sin of treating it as a book of magic, filled with incantations to drive away evil (sin), or demonic spirits. When Jesus quoted the Word of God to the Devil, He did more than merely quote it- He obeyed it. Many believers who have been extremely well acquainted with the Bible have been snared by the Devil and led into sin and apostasy. Knowing and quoting the Scriptures is not enough, we must obey it to gain victory. Certainly quoting the Word has great value for the devotional re-assurance of a believer, and this practice should be encouraged. But we must guard against the fallacy that quoting the words of Scripture in a magical fashion at demonic spirits is actually what brings victory to a believer. It is acting on the Word (James 1:22). In this sense our real warfare is with our flesh (Rom. 7:23). Coming to this conclusion and conviction puts us in the very uncomfortable position of now being obliged to accept responsibility for our actions, instead of following in the steps of our forefather Adam, who immediately began to blame someone else for his sin, when confronted by God.



The Church and individual believers have tremendous authority over the powers of darkness and rulers of the dust (in heavenly places). The Bible speaks of our future state with such certainty, that it often refers to it as already having happened. Even Christ spoke of the authority of believers in Matthew 16:19 when He said-

"And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

Interesting, the Greek reads whatever you bind on earth will have already been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will have already been loosed in heaven. To claim that believers have power to bind and loose in a way that demands that heaven must comply, is to advocate sacerdotalism or priestly absolution. The true meaning of the text must be seen in its context. How would the disciples have understood Christ’s words on binding and loosing? Their reaction is not immediately stated, so we can not draw any immediate indication from this observation of their application or understanding.

The Rabbis of the day spoke of binding and loosing in terms of laying down rules of conduct (Halakah). As part of the Halakah, the Shimmai told them strictly what they couldn’t do- binding rules of conduct, while the Hillel being more lax, told them what they could do- loosing rules of conduct. From this, some scholars see the passage in Acts 15:10, where Peter said-

"Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?"

-as loosing what certain Judaizers wanted to bind upon Gentile believers. It also makes sense in the terms of Christ telling the Rabbinical lawyers that they had withheld the key 15 of knowledge from people (preventing a loosing of people into a relationship with God in the Kingdom of God), and had actually placed hindrances in the way of those trying to find God (by placing excessive rules of legalistic conduct on people), thereby binding them (Lk.11:52). This is also the case in the other reference in Matthew where the church is to exercise Kingdom rules of conduct in disciplining wayward members (Mtt. 18:18). Whatever the Kingdom of God looses or binds, by way of rules of conduct, so the church dually enforces. Heaven is not bound by any decision the church invents!

Another passage used to justify taking authority over demons by speaking the words I bind you... is Matthew 12:29.

"Or how can one enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong-man?"

Christ was talking in terms of destroying the kingdom of Satan and everything that went along with it. He had been accused of having power over devils because He was actually in league with them, the Pharisees said. But He had come to establish His Kingdom. Ultimately His Kingdom would rule the entire world, as the Jews were anticipating, and there could be no place for the devil. How could He take over the house if someone else was currently occupying it? What was going to give Christ the right to rule? His binding of the strong man. This was achieved at Calvary, and will culminate by being carried out prior to Christ's earthly rule (Rev. 20:1-3), when Satan will be bound (if one adopts the pre-millennial view), or has already been carried out because of Calvary (if one adopts the amillennial view; NB- Col.2:15). Satan can not be bound by anyone else prior to, or since, Christ’s victory on Golgotha.

The Scriptures do present us with the knowledge that we do have authority to thwart the enemy from hindering the work of God- but its the way we go about it, and the kind of results God gives, that it views differently from recent popular teaching. We need a fresh revelation of God’s supremacy and covenantal protection. For example, Psalm 149 says as we worship and praise God, we bind kings and nobles with fetters of iron. Our focus is not an against one, but rather an unto one. We give glory unto God and He in turn guards us as the apple of His eye (Zeph. 2:5), hedges us about with walls of covenantal fire (Zech. 2:8), and establishes us in His sanctuary where no outsider may enter (Psalm 15:1, 2-5; 91:1-16).

What binds or hinders the enemy? It’s definitely not when the people of God in a worship service unto their God are drawn away by speaking to demons! Rather, it’s what naturally happens when God moves amongst His people during worship (eg. 2 Chronicles 20).



What can lead to a sense of oppression in a worship service? Can we suggest- nervousness, lack of substantial preparation, tiredness, all tend at times to imitate devilish opposition? But how do we take authority over what appears to be an oppressive spirit in a meeting of God's people? Exercise the weapon of joy! Joy breaks depression (Neh. 8:10). Humility breaks the spirit of pride (James 4:6). Reconciliation breaks bitterness and tensions (Matt. 6:14-15). Evangelism with good works breaks hard hearts (1Pt. 2:11; 3:1). Of course the enemy will try to hinder a service of worship, but how are we to handle it? Let us press in to God with greater fervency!



The primary role of the intercessor, which the Scripture calls a prophet, is to spend time in the presence of God seeking the LORD to move His hand in opening the eyes of the spiritually blind. Intercessors, or prophets, know how to plead with God with the lost and receive from God the appropriate answers. They do not directly speak to, in any way, demon spirits. Note Daniel in Dan. 10:10-13. Daniel the prophet/ intercessor took no place in speaking to demonic spirits, although his prayers played a major role in the heavenly warfare that took place. He made his appeal to God alone. He refused to do business with the devil! His case went straight to God. The Old Testament has numerous types to prove the point, for example- Elijah on Mount Carmel, prayed in faith to God, despite a massive out numbering by demon possessed prophets of Baal (1Ki. 17) He kept his focus on God and His ability and was not distracted by spiritual opposition. Despite even the attributing of spiritual or ecclesiatical success to the ministry of intercessors in spiritual warfare, this is still no basis of divine endorsement of such un-biblical pratices. Often times, God blesses despite our ignorance or ill-informed practices.

The role of the intercessor is to seek God. It is call upon the LORD and seek His forgiveness for a people or community in the hope that the people themselves will be moved spiritually to seek God for forgiveness. For no intercessor can secure another’s salvation unless that person being prayed for seeks it for themselves. The intercessor has a large role to play in praying for the work of the LORD, especially for pastors, leaders, and those involved in everyday evangelism. The intercessor should be searching God’s Word and praying that the Word will be lived out in the lives of God’s people in specific ways.



This author has been involved in occasions where the gift of discernment has identified mis-motivated people. Several times I have had people manifest unusual things in my presence. I am aware that a person surrendered to demonic power can do super-human things. But, I wonder how much the Biblically charismatic gift called the discerning of spirits has to do with so much of popular teaching on the subject. Some have described this as the gift that enables people to identify specific demonic spirits, name evil spirits, or sense the type of spirits ruling a city or territory. While God does often give words of knowledge to His servants in their ministry to an oppressed person (perhaps about the root cause or reason for the oppression), it can be distinguished from Paul’s use of the term. It appears among the list of gifts in the verbal category. Along side it are mentioned prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues (1Cor. 12:10). All of these gifts are designed to edify the local church. Discernment appears to be closely linked with prophecy and those used to prophecy (sometimes referred to as prophets). Discernment means the same as judgment. Later in Corinthians Paul says to the prophets- Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge. This has everything to do with false teaching being identified and rejected by the established prophets of the assembly. As false teaching became rampant in the early church, John wrote-

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world..." 1John 4:1

John goes on to say that false teaching was directly linked to spirits who opposed Christ. How did John say to defeat these spirits once discernment has revealed them as false? Appeal to God! You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

How much longer can we try the patience of God by seeking out demons under the guise of discerning of spirits? The Old Testament was even clearer in its strict forbidding of any seeking or communication with or to evil spirits-

"Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits do not seek after them, to be defiled by them:I am the LORD your God." Leviticus 19:31

Our energy should be devoted to seeking the LORD and His presence. There are ample Scriptures to show that God is in total control of the heavenlies and guards His Church with love and jealousy. We are guarantied success if we remain in covenant relationship with Him. Even Paul recognised that when someone walked away from God, they were bound over to Satan (1Cor. 5:5).

The enemy will seek to attack in the area of our imaginations or thought life. This is the context of 2 Corinthians 10:4 where we have weapons that are mighty for the pulling down of these strongholds by casting down every thought that exalts itself against God. Try counting to twenty in your mind while reading aloud a page of your Bible! It can’t be done. Our minds must be submitted to God exclusively. We can be seeking out demons, and have our minds continually renewed in God (Rom. 12:2). As we fill our minds with God's Word it leads to greater devotion to, and appreciation of, Jesus. Indeed, as we seek Jesus we have the victory! Not as we chase after demonic spirits! Their objective is to get our thoughts and eyes off Christ (Gal.3:1).

Interestingly, no where is the Church described as an army! It is described as a flock of sheep guarded safely within a sheep-fold though! There's a major difference between an army and a flock of sheep. There is no doubt that we are in corporate spiritual conflict, but yet the Bible describes us as a Bride that is jealously protected by its husband-to-be. Paul describes the Christian as wearing armour and a sword and shield, but this to stress the urgency of our mission to reach the lost, and the real danger that spiritual opposition poses in trying to decoy us away from that mission. To carry out our mission, which directly opposes principalities and powers, we are given salvation (helmet), righteousness (breastplate), the Word of God to direct us toward God and protect us from foes who attack those who live outside of it (sword), faith in God to put out the enemy's doubts (shield), truth in action (belt), a Gospel ready to share with the lost (shoes)17. None of this was ever intended for use in a prayer closet locked away doing battle with demonic foes! Note even the context of what Paul is saying, when he says in Ephesians 6:19-

"and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak."

Paul was in prison. What an attack of the enemy! Our advice to him might be to go into our modern version of spiritual warfare and get himself out of there. But that wasn’t his way of looking at things. He wanted to witness boldly to fellow prisoners, jailers, officials and anyone else who the LORD might send his way. In Paul’s battle with the enemy he became deeply aware that the enemy did and could attack. But he recognised that nothing happened outside of God’s control. Around 50 AD when Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, he was ministering in Corinth (Acts 18). He wanted to go and see the Thessalonians again, but was suffering severe persecution in Corinth. He describes this in terms of Satan hindering him and his companions (1Thess. 2:18) and contextually alludes to this in the preceding verses where he said that Judaizers had persecuted them, forbidding them to speak to Gentiles. But Satan couldn't overcome Paul with discouragement (Satan appears to try and magnify himself and his efforts in the minds of any who will listen), for when Paul was struggling, Jesus came to him and said-

"Now the LORD spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, ‘Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.’
Acts 18:9, 10

Paul knew that the enemy could attack the church, but he knew how to prevent it. He did not say, as many misquote the passage, we are not to be ignorant of the devil's schemes (devices/plans), rather he said we are not ignorant of the devil's schemes. There’s a world of difference between the two. The context of this Second Corinthians 2:11 passage is where Paul warned them against unforgiveness (vs. 10). By holding a grudge and unforgiveness toward someone, they would give the devil an opportunity to destroy their unity, fellowship and witness. What was the weapon to use against this scheme of the devil?- forgiveness and unity.

This article continues! Continue with this article.

(c) 1993-2013, Andrew Corbett

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Andrew Corbett


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