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    by Dr. Andrew Corbett

Every church should be a worshiping church. Our motivation for worship is our love for God. Many leaders have tried to motivate people to worship God based on selfish motives, or even hatred for the devil. If we make anything other than love for God our prime motivation, we actually draw away from God and glorify what we focus on. For example, if someone is taught that worship will get them special blessings from God, the risk is that their focus could be on the blessings rather than the Blessor. Every true encounter with God resulted in worship in the Bible. When Peter received his revelation about Christ in his fishing boat, his immediate reaction was to fall down in worship of Christ while acknowledging His greatness and purity (Lk. 5:8). When someone has an encounter with Jesus, they don't have to be told why they need to worship Him!

It is fair to say that worship is a part of our spiritual warfare. For a few years I was guilty of the belief and practise of focussing part of my worship on destroying the works and activities of the enemy. But God has shown me, through His Word, several dangerous aspects to this.

Judson Cornwell describes in his book Let us Praise, that he used to be called upon by his song leaders to take authority over the devil if the song leader sensed a heaviness over a meeting. His usual practice was to either publicly or privately rebuke/bind/cast out/ destroy the devil and his influence from their meeting. But then God showed him that this was misplaced time. By focusing on the enemy and what he was doing, he was actually giving glory to him, rather than God! No man can "bind" Satan. Only Christ has the power to eventually bind Satan when he will be bound for an age and thrown into the bottomless pit (Rev. 20:1-3). On every occasion that the early Church was harassed by Satan, not once did they dare to speak directly to him (as the Scripture forbids -2Pt. 2:11; Jude 9), instead they worshiped and exalted God- not for ulterior motives. The early church was quite content to worship God in a comfortable house, or in an uncomfortable prison cell! The circumstances and surroundings were not important. When Paul was being harassed by an evil spirit, he didn't speak to it, he pleaded with God about it (2Cor. 12:7). This goes against much of the current teaching on "spiritual warfare". Our focus must be on loving God, not necessarily a cheap imitation brought about by hating the devil!

Worship means to move toward and kiss. As a congregation its possible to worship God in various ways with the result being like a kiss to God. Broadly, worship can involve any act of service and surrender to God. James says that true worship (or religion) is when the church visits orphans and widows in their trouble, and keeps itself unspotted from the world (James 1:27). This is one way the church can worship God. Other ways include, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned (Mtt. 25:31-46). Singing and prayer constitute worship.


Our fight with the powers of darkness is a foregone conclusion. We win. But as it works out, we are not battling with them simply to defeat them and thus usher in the kingdom of God, but rather our objective is to reach the lost. While Christ won the victory on Calvary, we enforce that victory in the world by proclamation of the Gospel. Our enemy will bring out every distraction in and out of the book to stop us from this. This becomes our battle, with the lost becoming our mission, and the Lord becoming our goal. Our offensive weapons are for us to put to death our old nature, obey God readily, and reach the lost in evangelism. We must make our evangelism an act of worship, not merely a duty. God is clearly saying to His last days’ Church- seek Me.

What we focus on determines where we go. We need to stop seeking demons, and devote our entire energy to seeking God, no matter what the circumstances, surroundings or emotions. Certainly the unseen enemy will seek to destroy God’s work and people, but every attempt will be thwarted by God for His ultimate glory as we continue to look to Him even in the midst of attacks. By abandoning closet evangelism and reintroducing proclamation evangelism, the church will again be waging the kind of war where souls can be reconciled to God. This focus provides individual believers with a motivation to live right, talk right, and think right so that they will not become a stumbling block to the unsaved. This involves real spiritual warfare: the believer putting their flesh to death, despite its warring, so that the war between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness can be fought according to the design of the Word of God, and the example of the cross of Christ.

I have not dealt with the topic of deliverance. I see this as a separate issue to spiritual warfare. I would ask the reader not to confuse the issue of delivering a desperate person afflicted by demonic oppression or possession, where an evil spirit is immediately present, to that which this article has addressed.


Andrew Corbett


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