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Everyone is Influenced By Ideas...

The idea that some people don't deserve to live...

Does a Suffering Person Have Rights ?

The tragic case of the 41 year old American lady, Terri Schiavo, has reached the Australian news as "mercy" euthanasia case.
What you won't hear in the media is the Terri, who suffered a heart attack some 15 years ago and received some brain damage as a result, was originally given little chance initially of survival by her doctors. This tragedy led to a law suit by her husband who won damages of around $1,000,000 to support Terri (which he pledged to do- ).

In the meantime, her husband has met another woman with whom he has had two children. He also has a current life insurance policy on his wife, but is unable to marry the mother of his children until his wife Terri dies.

Several media reports have stated that Terri is "a vegetable", "brain-dead" and on "life-support". This is not the case. She has been acknowledging family members with her eyes. This type of interactions has been certified by neurologists (Affidavit of Neurologist Beatrice C. Engstrand, M.D., March 3, 2005; Affidavit of Neurologist Jacob Green, M.D., February 22, 2005; Affidavit of Neurologist Lawrence Huntoon, M.D., March 3, 2005. Affidavits may be accessed on-line at

She breathes naturally without aid. She is on a "feeding tube", which is not artificially sustained life. It is this feeding tube which her husband wants removed to starve her to death.

She has not expressed a desire to be starved to death, despite the spin that Dr Philip Nitschke (Australia's version of Dr Death) has put on this case, it is most definitely not a matter of voluntary euthanasia.

Let us not be fooled by the media that this is a case of an incurable, artificially-sustained, dying, woman wanting to die and being supported by a loving and caring husband!!! It is State-sanctioned homicide! Terri, like any other handicapped person deserves the most fundamental right that we all assume is ours: the right to live.

For more information, visit-


Rethinking Ideas About
Suffering and Dignity

  • Christians historically have been at the forefront of caring for invalids, the dying, and and disabled. We honour those who provide dignity to people who are suffering.
  • Life is a gift from God and demands to be honoured by all. This especially applies to people with Down Syndrome, Spina-bifida, cerebral palsy, and those who are brain-damaged or comatosed.
  • Christians should defend the most basic right of the most vulnerable.

Andrew Corbett, 29th March 2005

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