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William Wilberforce felt he lived in times when civil society had deteriorated so greatly that people no longer knew how to be nice to others. One of the first initiatives Wilberforce undertook was the establishment of the Society For The Reformation of Manners.

Do Christians today have a reputation for being good-mannered and honourable? Perhaps it's time for us to revisit what Wilberforce saw as imperative for rescuing his society...

I was talking with a Christian real estate agent recently who mentioned to me that he had become very relectant to sell homes for Christians. When I asked why, he said that he had found them to be the most rude, stubborn, and unfairly demanding.

He noted that nearly all Christians he had represented had made unfair demands on him because they considered him obligated to give them an even better deal than he generally gave. I was chatting with a Christian restaurant owner who mentioned that the most embarrassing customers his business serves are Christians. He said that are rude, talk down to the staff, demand a discount, leave their tables in a mess, and generally show disrespect for those around them. Brothers and sisters, these things ought not be so.

Galatians 6:10 says that we should "do good to everyone, especially to those who are of the household of faith." I wonder how many people consider this verse from the Christian consumer's point of view? How as Christian customers (consumers) should we interact with Christians in business with whom we trade? I wonder if it's possible to employ Galatians 6:10 in this regard?

Click on this pic for an enlargementI think it's rude of Christians to ignore good, sound, professional advice from fellow Christians when it comes to commercial transactions. For example, my Christian Real Estate friend says that one of the most frustrating aspects of dealing with Christians is that they almost despise his professional advice. They often tell him that they have prayed and heard from God that they are miraculously going to get an unreasonably high price for their house which they wish to sell. When he says, "OK, if God has told you that, then I'll list it at that price. But I want you to know that I don't think your house is worth that much." In his years of real estate sales he has never seen any such statement supported by the sale of their house at the price they claimed God said they would get.

Many Christian business people consider it rude when Christian patrons demand a discount or refuse to pay full price. I wonder how many Christian patrons realise that doing good to the household of faith might mean that we are actually a blessing, not a cause for resentment? Now I love a bargain, but I learning to love more being a blessing.

I spoke with a Christian counsellor who said that often his Christian clients were stunned to discover that they were expected to pay for their counselling session. Accommodating this he often made the first appointment free, and charged there after. But most of his Christian clientel never returned! He went on to lament that for many Christians who did persist with their counselling they actually didn't pay their accumulated invoices.

As Christians we should especially be people of good manners. Acknowledging people with a "hello" or a nice greeting is just simple courtesy. Saying "thank you", "please" and "you're welcome" are signs of being good mannered. Christ taught us-

Matt. 5:47 If you simply say hello to those who greet you, do you expect a medal? Any run-of-the-mill sinner does that. [THE MESSAGE]

Matt. 10:12 “When you knock on a door, be courteous in your greeting." [THE MESSAGE]

Treating those we deem "lesser" than ourselves with contempt is most unChristlike. When we ignore certain people because we deem them less educated/spiritual/cultured than ourselves we are not being good mannered. A fleeting read of the Gospels shows just how seriously Christ regarded all people- women, children, and crippled - all those considered unworthy by the social elite of His day.

Of course it's not just Christian customers who can be rude. Christian employees can be equally inconsiderate when working for a Christian employer. One employer told me that he employed a young Christian man in his business and discovered that instead of working, the young man was preaching to his fellow employees (complete with Bible in hand). When his bewildered employer asked why he wasn't working he replied- I thought you were Christian and realised that saving these lost souls was more important than work- I thought you employed me to witness to them! He was sacked (politely).


The Need...


  • Drive courteously

  • Patiently wait to be served

  • Acknowledge people with a greeting

  • Don't demand a discount from a Christian business simply because it is a "Christian" business

  • On the other side of the counter...
    • Serve customers with courtesy

    • Increase your value as an employee to your employer by working diligently and going the "extra mile"

    • Don't give non-Christian customers lesser service than you would give any other customer.

    • Especially if you are a Christian in business, when you make a commitment- honour it! That means, if you say to a customer that a product will arrive at a certain time, then you are obligated to be right. If you promise a customer to return their phone call "in ten minutes" then you should do it!

Andrew Corbett

Download Dr Corbett's eBook The Most Embarrassing Book In The Bible.

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